Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Leavin' on a Jet Plane!

This letter was sent to Emily (Harris) Brashear on March 2, 2010.

Hellooo Philippines! I got my flight plans on last Thursday! They are as follow:

1) I leave the MTC at 4:30 p.m. on March 8th.
2) Leave SLC at 7:45 p.m. to LA
3) Arrive in LA at 10:45 p.m.
4) Leave for Taipei, TAIWAN at 9:30 a.m.
5) Arrive in Taiwan at 5:30 a.m. on 03/10/10 (yes, I lose a day!)
6) Leave for MANILA, PHILIPPINES at 9:30 a.m.
7) Arrive in MANILA at 11:45 a.m.!

I can't believe it's here already! I'm SO excited to go! I'll miss the atmosphere of the MTC, but so glad to finally be doing the Lord's work! I read a talk by Jeffrey R. Holland titled "None Were With Him" from the April 2009 Conference. It's so amazing! It talks about the Saviors lonely journey towards the end of His life. I was so moved by it and I have an even greater love for my savior and what He did for me. He really is the only one that can relate to us all. He was mocked, beaten and alone. He even suffered a spiritual death when Heavenly Father had to withdraw His spirit from Jesus. It was all necessary, so that He could truly know all of us and every pain and emotion that we feel. I'm so amazed by His sacrifice for me. The more I study his life and atonement, the greater my desire is to teach this message of His gospel. The gospel of Jesus Christ. I have so much love and admiration for Him. I can't even describe it.

So how are things? What have you been up to? Let me know! This will be the last week I can receive letters and respond! Thanks so much for all your letters and support! They have helped me a lot! Love ya tons!

Sister Hales

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I just found Jill's blog and now she's coming home in a few weeks :) Can't wait!! Sorry I'm so lame and didn't write while she/you were gone! I've enjoyed the Facebook page!!! xox Ash :)
